Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I had fun with this one
Here's the after. I think it went from blah to beautiful. I don't know what I did without Photoshop before. It's really pretty easy to use and the results are spectacular.
I just learned some new techniques to create black and whites. I love how creamy her skin looks in the black and white shot. It's hard to decide which one I like better, the color or the black and white.
Which one is your favorite? The color or the black & white?
Friday, June 27, 2008
Picture of the Day: Blossoms on a Puddle
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
When Daddy's in charge
This past weekend we were all outside as a family. Jonathan and Elizabeth were riding their bikes and I was on look-out-for-cars duty. Eric was watering some of the flower beds and watching the baby. Of course it wasn't long before the baby was soaking wet. Can you see the water dripping off of Gustin's chin?
I snapped the above picture then went back to helping the big kids with their bikes and taking pictures of them as they rode. After a while, it was time to go back inside. I started to put away my camera, but after catching a glimpse of Gustin, I had to pull it out for a few more shots.
This is what I saw...
A thoroughly filthy baby!
I don't think any baby in my care has gotten so dirty. But, that's one of the reasons that God invented daddies. Getting messy is an important part of being a kid and Eric is around to make sure I don't forget it!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
This is SO me!
This little vase was a gift to me from my sister-in-law that she brought back from a trip to Europe. I love the colors. My house has some hue of this blue in every major room and I love this simple blue/white color combination. It also reminds me of the dark blue toile fabric of the curtains that hang in my living room.
Another thing that is SO me is Tiffany style lamps.
Eric surprised me with this light fixture for Christmas a couple of years ago. I love the colors and the soft light it provides on quiet evenings when I curl up with a good book. Tiffany lamps also remind me of stained glass windows that I love. My dream home will have a stained glass window in it somewhere.
Thanks for such a great idea for a post, Blair!
So, what is SO you?
Friday, June 20, 2008
Tooth #2 is outta there!
After our impromptu photo session was done, he begged me to put his pictures on the computer. He wanted to see himself full size. Once I had the photos imported into photoshop, he directed all the editing. We adjusted the crop for about ten minutes until he was satisfied with the result. He also directed the amount of light and contrast in the photo.
Overall, I'd say he's got pretty good instincts. I think the finally result isn't too shabby!
Photography tip: To get a picture with great natural light, have your child sit near a north facing window. The light is bright enough so you don't need a flash, but not direct, so you don't get any harsh shadows.
Photography tip #2 (a.k.a. note to self): Don't forget to clear out all the miscellaneous toys from behind your child. That way you won't have to crop so much! :)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Eric's birthday
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Tiger Cub
Here are all the flags to be retired.
It was a solemn ceremony that the scouts took very seriously along with some Knights of Columbus and members of the local VFW. A bugler played, we sang God Bless America, and the scouts stood at attention as the first flag was retired to the fire.
Gustin did well even though the intense heat of the day was magnified by the fire.
Here's Elizabeth clutching a brand new flag that we were given to display at our home. She seems to be taking the day very seriously as well.
Jonathan was able to personally retire a flag. He patiently waited in line for his turn.
Then, he had to hold up the flag, or "present" it, one last time.
After that he carefully folded it back up . . .
Very exciting for a six year old!
Here's all the members of the troop in attendance. Jonathan doesn't have his real uniform yet so he's just wearing his Cub Scout t-shirt. He's the littlest one with his hands in front of his face in the front row.
It was a really neat day. I think Cub Scouts is going to be very rewarding, not just for Jonathan, but for our entire family.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
This is so cool
Here's another before and after that's a bit more subtle:
The colors are just a little more intense in the second one. I love the added intensity of the color of the grass and her pouty little lips.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Baby blue
Somehow he's already 13 months old. I don't know when that happened because we just celebrated his first birthday didn't we?
And, he took his first steps this weekend, and I didn't see it! But, Daddy did, and I'm glad that he got to experience that special first. Now I'm watching him like a hawk so I can catch his second steps.
And, Eric's convinced that Gustin is talking. Eric takes him outside all the time and they look at the birds. Gustin now says "Buh, buh," and points at the birds when he sees them. He's says "Buh, buh," a lot, though, so I don't know if it counts. When we were in Eric's hometown last, his mother was convinced that Gustin could say "puppy" and a brother-in-law claims that he said "squash". I don't know. I don't think any of these words will be going in Gustin's baby book.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Baby toes
Aren't they a riot?!?
Friday, June 13, 2008
A few pictures
Here's a purslane flower from my front yard.
And, here's a couple of pictures of Elizabeth playing outside.
Gustin, what do you think of Mommy's new camera?