Thursday, August 20, 2009

20 week ultrasound

I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday. We decided not to find out the sex of the baby. Early in the pregnancy I thought I would really like to find out this time. But, as time got closer to the 20 week mark my feelings changed. I'm really glad to not know right now. It gives me an excuse for all the time I spend pouring over baby name books; I have to come up with two names now instead of one! :)

The ultrasound did reveal one thing we weren't expecting. I have a low lying placenta. Not placenta previa -thank you, Lord! - but the baby's placenta is very close to the cervix, only 1.5 cm away. Normally during the course of pregnancy the uterus stretches and the placenta moves away from the cervix. My doctor said that my placenta is in the part of the uterus that does not stretch very much so it may not move very much. It needs to move to at least 2 cm away from the cervix to avoid an automatic c-section. If, at delivery time, it is in the 2 cm to 4 cm range, he said I would be induced about 2 weeks early under controlled conditions where an anesthesiologist is available in case of an emergency c-section is necessary and blood is on hand in case I would need a blood transfusion. The concern is that the placenta would detach during labor which would, of course, put the baby in danger and I would be in danger of excessive bleeding.

So, I'm really praying that we can get to the 4 cm mark at least. There is plenty of time between now and when Button should be making his or her debut, so I'm trying not to worry and just be patient and see what happens. I go back in 5 more weeks for another ultrasound to check the position of the placenta.

In the mean time, I think I'm going to go see if I can find a novena to St. Gerard. :)


Jody said...

I had a low lying placenta with Asher at the 20 week ultrasound, also. It corrected itself by the time I delivered, but I don't remember how low it was. At least they know it is there and can keep an eye on it. I'll pray for you that there are no complications.

How exciting not to find out the sex. What a wonderful surprise! I've probably told you that with Asher I didn't find out the sex, but Dan did and he kept it from me for 20 weeks. I thought I was having a girl until I opened my eyes and saw a little baby BOY! It was amazing and so fun to be surprized.

Colleen said...

Jody -
Thank you for the prayers and the encouragement. From everything that I have read, it corrects itself most of the time. I really hope I follow the "rule" and am not the "exception" this time around.

Wow, I can't believe your hubby was able to keep it from you for that long! It would be so easy to accidentally spill the beans!

Lillian said...

I also had a low lying placenta. I never got a 2nd ultrasound so I don't know where it ended up being. But everything worked out fine. Praying for you and your little one.

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness!!! I'll be praying to St. Gianna about this!! I don't know why, but I just have a sense that things will really work out for you! Our Lady must be close to you during this time.

I missed you, Colleen and am so glad to read your updates!