Saturday, July 31, 2010

Catching up #2: Books

I've been on a big classics kick lately. Actually, not just lately, more like for the last decade or so, ever since I met Miss Jane Austen.

So, I regularly pick up a classic; for the exceptional writing, the rich characters and stories that leave you pondering them long after you've put the book down.

My latest book was Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. I had seen it recommended in several places in the blogosphere and it made the list of Top 20 "Catholic" Novels over at Aggie Catholics.

It was one of the most interesting books I have ever read.

It did take me a bit to get into the book (I had to slog through the first 50 pages or so), but it was so worth sticking with it. Waugh is a master at "showing not telling" with his writing. His characters are highly flawed, and therefore highly realistic, and he leaves it up to the reader to decide if they are good, bad or somewhere in between.

As I was reading the book, I continually wondered why this book was recommended as a top "Catholic" novel. Most of the Catholic characters seem so dysfunctional and the story is actually told from the point of view of an agnostic. But, the ending - oh, the ending! - is fantastic: so subtle, so beautiful.

I so wish I still had a book club and that that book club would pick this book and then we could sit and talk about this book for hours. I'm dying to have a good discussion about this book!

So, if you pick up Brideshead Revisited and read it, please shoot me an email when you're done and we'll "talk"!

P.S. Recently a movie was made of Brideshead Revisited. I have not seen it, but it seems that many Catholic bloggers did not like it. Have any of you seen it? What were your thoughts on it?

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