Saturday, August 11, 2007

Can you tell I'm a new blogger?

Three posts in one day, I just added my favorite blogs to the sidebar and now I just finished creating a signature. This is so much fun!!

Which one do you like better?
This one that is no nonsense...

Or this more feminine one...

h/t: Moms Who Blog (for the signature)


Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

I definitely like the second one.

Welcome to blogging! I am a "sort of" Aggie as well...I hate to admit it, but I transfered to UT. :) I actually had a bunch of friends in M.E. so we may know people in common!

Jill said...

Welcome to the blog world! I am partial to the first one. (I'm kind of a no-nonsense girl!)
By the way, you figured out things pretty fast. I just figured out how to make a picture for my header and haven't dabbled into anything else creative yet!